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Lecture demonstration

Application Process 

Dear Certificate Candidate,

We are excited to have you as a potential Candidate for Certification.  Once you’ve thoroughly reviewed the Certificate Level and Assessment feel free to register and submit your application.   Your application materials must be received by August 1st. The application and materials will be reviewed and assessed.   The application will be approved within 4-5 business days of receiving it, if not earlier.  After approval of both application and materials the Candidate will be notified. Please note: once you’ve completed your tuition payment for the first semester you will not need to make any more payments until your Certificate Level is confirmed before or at the Cypher Session scheduled (see Schedule & Pricing).​​


  • Letter of Intent (100 words or less) 

  • Three letters of recommendation (3)

  • Assessment Appointment Application Form (fill out)

  • Completed Prerequisite of fifty hours of Hip-hop dance foundation

  • Head Shot and Curriculum Vitae

  • 500-word essay

  • Freestyle sample video (90 seconds or more)


Each applicant will submit a 500 word essay which should include:

1) Outline of Goals 

2) Expectations 

3) Mission statement (if applicable) 

4) Outline why you should be considered a candidate for certification

Application Form 1:

Please check your level:
Do you consider yourself a Hip-hop dance and culture practitioner?


The Certificate consists of the 5th Element Session and Cypher Sessions. The 5th Element Session (s) is a series of virtual lectures (live) on the History of Street dance (2 hours per week).  The Cypher Session (s) are a series of in-person intensives-And elective classes-1 hour ea. In total, there are two 5th Element Sessions-Fall/Spring and two Cypher Sessions-Winter/Summer. 


Certificate Level  1         requires 900 hours of study. 

Certificate Level  2         requires 600 hours of study.  

Certificate  Level 3         requires 450 hours of study. 

Certificate Level  4         Assessment Committee TBD 


There are three levels of the Certificate: Certificate Level 1 (C1), Certificate Level 2 Advanced/Intermediate (C2), and Certificate Level 3 Non-Certificate with Intent (C3).   Each level determines price as well as study-load.  Upon reviewing the submitted application and all required materials, the Candidate is assigned a temporary Certificate Level.   The first Cypher Session will serve as a defense/assessment appointment.   In other words, the Candidates participation in all classes and workshops will be assessed- essentially, you are defending the "Temporary Certificate Level until confirmed by the Assessment Committee.  The assessment will begin the moment of arrival and throughout the four-day intensive.  Also, upon arrival, the Candidate will receive an appointment time (do not miss the appointment). It is at this time the Candidate will receive an assessment confirmation of their pre-assigned Certificate level or recommendation for a new Certificate level.  Once the Candidate has confirmed a Certificate level with the committee, the Candidate has the option to change their Certificate focus.   It is at this time the candidate may pay in full, partial or choose a payment plan for their Certificate level. 


A Certificate focus means the Candidate will focus their study.   For example, a Candidate can focus their study on becoming a teacher of Technique or teacher of History.  The Certificate could also focus on completing both Technique and History with no focus-which is merely to complete the course with a high ranking.    The value of a Completion focus is for active or soon-to-be professional street dancers in Street Dance Theater or Commercial Industry. It does not qualify the Candidate to teach.  *The Certificate focus determines scoring percentage.  For example, suppose a Candidate Certification focus is a Technique with a History focus and vice versa. In that case, it means the Candidate's goal is to teach Technique, and therefore the Candidate must excel in Technique rather than in History. Taking both Technique and History informs all certificate levels.  By the third Cypher Session, candidates will access and confirm embodied rhythms, History, Technique, and pedagogy.  Upon approved completion, the Candidate will no longer be a Candidate but rather a Certified Teacher or Certified Completion.  However, when you receive your Certificate, you are required to continue education for 1-2 years (see total hours).   Continued Education is a way of remaining relevant to practice, History, and heritage. *Candidates may be required to do additional hours, and depending on level, the program may take up to two-three years to complete.  


•    NON-CERTIFICATE is open to the general public and can pay a la carte with no obligation to attend or be certified.

•    TEACHER CERTIFICATE LEVEL 1 History & Technique focus: *900 credit hours.   C1 is required to have 600 approved prerequisite hours. C1 an apply all prerequisite hours to certificate hours for completion. Upon completion, C1 is approved to teach History, R.I.S.E. , Rennie Harris Rhythm Theory, G.Q. Basic Rhythms, Intergenerational Rhythms, Popular Social & Party Dances i.e. Hip-hop proper and House foundation-technique and movement vocabulary to: Middle School, High School, Higher Learning Institutions and Adults-beginner, intermediate and advanced.   

* BREAK DOWN: Prerequisite 600hr + Cypher Session + 60hr (3 sessions x 20hrs) +5Element Sessions + 42hr + Personal Practice/Training 100hr +  Syllabus/Lesson Plan 10hrs.  Continued Education: Elective Class 12 hrs. + Practicum 20hr + R.I.S.E. 20hrs + GQ Basic Rhythm Review 6hr + 10 (1hr ea.) technique class uploads +Written Exam score of 70-100 = 20 hrs. * The Candidate has the option to attend approved technique or Street Dance History class/lecture to contribute to any hours listed under Continued Education. Be advised: Hours of approved technique and any Street Dance history lecture (s) or course that isn’t offered by RHU are the financial responsibility of the Candidate but the hours accumulated can contribute to the hours of Syllabus/Lesson Plan, Personal Practice/Training and Practicum (only).  

 Certificate Level 2 Intermediate/advanced history w/Technique Focus: *600 credit hours required.   C2 is required to have 300 approved prerequisite hours.  C2 can apply all prerequisite hours to certificate hours for completion. In addition, C2 can apply for C1 status at any time however upon application approval C2 must complete the additional 450 hours needed for C1 certification.  Upon, completion C2 is approved to teach R.I.S.E., Rennie Harris Rhythm Theory, G.Q. Basic Rhythms, Intergenerational Rhythms & Popular Party Social dances i.e. Hip-hop proper and House foundation-technique and movement vocabulary to: Middle School, High School, Higher Learning Institutions and Adults-beginner/intermediate/advance.

* BREAK DOWN: Prerequisite 300hr + Cypher Session + 60hr (3 sessions x 20hrs) +5Element Sessions + 42hr + Practicum 20hr + Personal Practice/Training 100hr +Continued Education 12 hrs.+R.I.S.E. 20hrs +GQ 6hr +Elective 10 hours +Written Exam 30 * The Candidate has the option to attend approved technique class (s) as a way of contributing to the hours of Practicum and Personal Practice/Training (only).  Be advised: Hours of approved technique class (s) that aren’t offered by RHU are the financial responsibility of the Candidate, but the hours accumulated can also contribute to the hours of Personal Practice/Training and Practicum (only). 


 Certificate Level 3 (completion)  C3 history w/technique focus: *450  credit hours.  CC requires 200

approved prerequisite hours -technique focus: The Completion Certification is not a teaching certification.  The completion certification is for street dancers who seek to boost their resume, curriculum vitae, and status as a professional Street Dancer in the field. Elective class hours do not apply to CC therefore adding Elective classes to the class load will be the financial responsibility of the Candidate, however we encourage the Candidate to attend Elective classes offered by RHU as a way to further contextualize the movement vocabulary learned. Also, if the Candidate decides to apply for C1-C2 Teacher Certificate at a later date, any Elective class (s) attended by the Candidate will contribute to the hours required of the C1-C2 Certification.  *Be aware that this course is virtual and may begin via zoom or with pre-recorded video instruction-also, it may meet twice a month live via zoom (tbd) until the first in person Cypher Session. 

*BREAK DOWN: Prerequisite 200hr + Cypher Session + 60hr (3 sessions x 20hrs) +5Element Sessions + 42hr + Practicum 30hr + Personal Practice/Training 100hr + Continued Education 10 hrs. * The Candidate has the option to attend approved technique class (s) as a way of contributing to the hours of Practicum and Personal Practice/Training (only).  Be advised: Hours of approved technique class (s) that aren’t offered by RHU are the financial responsibility of the Candidate, but the hours accumulated can also contribute to the hours of Personal Practice/Training and Practicum (only).  

Certificate Level 4 technique focus: w/Intent to apply for  C2 or C1 level – C4 is a ground zero training Certificate.  C4 is expected to register for four semesters in total.  However, C4 isn't obligated to pay or attend four semesters in succession.  C4 can apply for Certificates 1-2 during or before the fourth semester.  C4 also has the option of requesting an assessment appointment at any scheduled Cypher Session.  Be mindful that this certificate level may need longer time and more hours to get completion or teacher certification. If the candidate is interested in completion or teaching certification, we encourage the potential candidate to continue to take classes and to continue to apply for consideration as a candidate. The candidate will be given a list of contacts of approved teachers that can help expedite training.  C4 will need 600-1000 hours-be mindful the first Cypher Session is an assessment appoint and its goal is to confirm a Certificate level- therefore the hours of the first Cypher Session will not apply to required hours.

Thanks for submitting!

Application Form 
Recommedation Letter 1
Recommedation Letter 2
Recommedation letter 3
Curriculum Vitae
Completed Prerequisite of fifty hours of Hip-hop dance foundation

I hereby certify that the above statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that a false statement may disqualify me as a candidate of  Rennie Harris University

Thanks for submitting!


The applicant must provide a letter of intent, simply introducing yourself, stating your intent or desire to be considered as a candidate for certification, and any information you believe to be pertinent (100 words or less).  Please include contact information and the best time(s) to be reached and notified via email.  Be sure to include a mailing address.


​​Three letters of recommendation of approximately 150 words each are required. Please provide one letter from a family member, friend or community leader.  The other two letters must be from a professor, teacher, or pioneer in the field of dance, preferably Street Dance.  The letters of recommendation should speak of your work ethic, basic knowledge of Hip-hop and Street Dance movement and culture, or desire to learn.  In addition, the recommendation letters must convey a strong conviction as to why you would be a great candidate for this certification program. 


Fifty hours of Hip-hop dance class (foundation) is a prerequisite to be considered for certification.  These hours can be with Rennie Harris directly or with designated teachers  pre-approved by Rennie Harris (a list will be provided).  Any teacher or mentor of an applicant not listed must seek approval by Rennie Harris and/or advisors.  If your teacher’s classes or workshops are not approved by Rennie Harris and/or advisors, the applicant must refer to the list of teachers provided in order to complete the prerequisite hours.  If you are notified that this is required of you, you must track all classes in order to verify the completion of fifty hours.  To do this, applicants must request a signature from a designated teacher.  A hard copy or digital class tracking form will be provided.  

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